Evolution of the ChatGPT Models: From 3.5 to 4.0, and then to 4o and 4o Mini - A Comprehensive Comparison

This article delves into the progression of OpenAI’s ChatGPT series, from ChatGPT-3.5 to ChatGPT-4, and to the latest ChatGPT-4o and ChatGPT-4o mini. We will thoroughly explore the differences and advancements in these models concerning architecture, capabilities, application scenarios, and user experience. Special attention is given to how ChatGPT-4o mini is replacing ChatGPT-3.5, bringing revolutionary changes to AI applications, and the profound impact of this evolution on AI technology and applications.

1. Model Scale and Architecture

The evolution of the ChatGPT series is reflected in the significant enhancements in the scale and complexity of its architecture.


  • Parameter count: Approximately 175 billion
  • Architectural features:
    • Based on Transformer architecture, relatively simple
    • Fast processing speed, low latency
    • Suitable for quick response applications
  • Advantages:
    • Lower implementation, operation, and maintenance costs
    • Quick responses for simple tasks
    • Suitable for resource-limited environments


  • Parameter count: Not disclosed, estimated around 1 trillion
  • Architectural improvements:
    • More complex Transformer architecture
    • Introduced new attention mechanisms to improve contextual understanding
    • Enhanced ability to capture long-term dependencies
  • Advantages:
    • Significantly improved contextual understanding
    • More coherent and relevant responses
    • Capable of handling more complex and abstract tasks

ChatGPT-4 Turbo and ChatGPT-4o:

  • Architectural features:
    • Efficiency optimizations on ChatGPT-4
    • Introduced more efficient computation methods
    • Possibly using sparse attention mechanisms
  • Advantages:
    • Maintains high performance of ChatGPT-4 while improving computational efficiency
    • Capable of handling longer contexts
    • Excels in multimodal tasks

ChatGPT-4o mini:

  • Architectural features:
    • Small model designed for cost-effectiveness
    • Likely uses knowledge distillation techniques
    • Optimized for inference speed and resource usage
  • Advantages:
    • Significantly reduces costs while maintaining high performance
    • Suitable for a wide range of everyday AI applications
    • Replaces ChatGPT-3.5, bringing advanced AI capabilities to more users

These architectural advancements enable the ChatGPT series to learn and understand more complex patterns and nuances. ChatGPT-4 and its variants are particularly suitable for tasks requiring deep understanding and detailed text generation, such as complex analysis, creative writing, and professional domain queries.

2. Training Datasets

The quality and quantity of training data directly affect the capabilities and performance of AI models. The progression of the ChatGPT series in this regard reflects a leap in AI learning abilities.

Data Volume and Diversity:

  • ChatGPT-3.5:
    • Utilized a large amount of internet text data
    • Covered multiple languages and topics
    • Data cut off in 2022
  • ChatGPT-4:
    • Training dataset much larger than ChatGPT-3.5
    • Included more professional literature and resources
    • Added multimodal data like images and code
  • ChatGPT-4 Turbo and ChatGPT-4o:
    • Further expanded the data range
    • Included more up-to-date information and events
    • Enhanced multilingual and cross-cultural data

This increase in data diversity enables the new generation models to handle complex requests and a wide range of queries more accurately and relevantly, from everyday conversations to professional domain queries.

Data Quality:

  • Filtering techniques:
    • ChatGPT-4 series used more advanced data cleaning and filtering techniques
    • AI-assisted content review systems
    • Stricter quality control processes
  • Quality improvement effects:
    • Reduced misinformation and harmful content
    • Increased reliability of generated content
    • ChatGPT-4 improved by about 40% in generating reliable and accurate outputs compared to ChatGPT-3.5

These improvements significantly reduce the risk of the models generating inappropriate or incorrect information, making them more suitable for high-accuracy scenarios like education, news summarization, and professional consultation.

Training Techniques:

  • Algorithmic improvements:
    • Introduced more advanced self-supervised learning techniques
    • Used optimizations like dynamic batching adjustments
    • Implemented more effective gradient accumulation methods
  • Architectural enhancements:
    • Optimized the model’s attention mechanism
    • Improved positional encoding techniques
    • Introduced more efficient parameter sharing mechanisms

These technological advancements enable the models to learn more effectively from large-scale data, improving training efficiency and model performance.

Feedback-based Improvements:

  • ChatGPT-4:
    • Incorporated extensive user feedback from ChatGPT-3.5 usage
    • Targeted improvements on common errors and limitations
  • ChatGPT-4 Turbo:
    • Extended learning cut-off date to December 2023
    • Included more real-time events and latest developments
  • ChatGPT-4o mini:
    • Utilized usage data from previous versions to optimize performance
    • Focused improvements on the most common tasks in everyday applications

This continuous improvement process ensures that the models can adapt to user needs and real-world changes, providing more relevant and up-to-date responses.

3. Capability Comparison

The ChatGPT series models demonstrate significant advancements in several key capabilities:

Capacity and Context Handling:

  • ChatGPT-3.5:
    • Maximum of 4,096 tokens (about 3,072 words) from gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 (changed to 16,385 tokens)
    • Suitable for medium-length conversations and text generation
  • ChatGPT-4:
    • Capable of handling 8,192 tokens (about 6,144 words)
    • Maintains longer conversation history
    • Suitable for long document analysis and complex tasks
  • ChatGPT-4 Turbo and ChatGPT-4o:
    • Capacity increased to 128,000 tokens (about 96,000 words)
    • Can analyze entire books or long reports
    • Suitable for tasks requiring extensive background information

This increase in capacity greatly expands the application range of the models, enabling them to handle more complex and long-term tasks, such as literary analysis and legal document review.

Knowledge and Accuracy:

  • ChatGPT-3.5:
    • Extensive general knowledge
    • Possible errors in some specialized fields
  • ChatGPT-4:
    • Broader and deeper knowledge range
    • Significant improvement in professional and academic fields
    • Reduced probability of errors and hallucinations
  • ChatGPT-4o and ChatGPT-4o mini:
    • Further improved accuracy in specialized knowledge
    • Better handling of interdisciplinary questions
    • More accurate on the latest events and developments

This improvement in knowledge and accuracy enables the new generation models to provide reliable information and insights in a wider range of fields, from everyday queries to professional consultations.

Multimodal Capability:

  • ChatGPT-3.5: Limited to text input and output
  • ChatGPT-4 Turbo:
    • Capable of processing and analyzing images
    • Able to understand image content and provide relevant descriptions
  • ChatGPT-4o:
    • Expanded to handle text, audio, video, and other formats
    • Enhanced multimodal information integration capability

The improvement in multimodal capabilities allows the new generation models to operate in richer contexts, providing more comprehensive and diverse services, from image descriptions to multimedia analysis.

Generation Ability:

  • ChatGPT-3.5:
    • Fluent content generation but sometimes lacks depth
    • Good at creative writing and conversation generation
  • ChatGPT-4:
    • Generates more coherent and logical text
    • Enhanced creative and technical writing abilities
  • ChatGPT-4o and ChatGPT-4o mini:
    • Further improved naturalness and depth of generated content
    • Better at capturing subtle emotions and tone variations

This improvement in generation ability allows the new generation models to play a role in a wider range of creative and professional applications, providing high-quality output from literary creation to technical documentation.

Multilingual Support:

  • ChatGPT-3.5:
    • Supports multiple languages but sometimes with errors
    • Slightly inferior performance in non-English languages
  • ChatGPT-4:
    • Improved accuracy and fluency in multilingual support
    • Significant improvement in major languages
  • ChatGPT-4o and ChatGPT-4o mini:
    • Further expanded language support range
    • Enhanced processing capability for low-resource languages

This improvement in multilingual support allows the new generation models to better serve global users, providing accurate and fluent multilingual support, benefiting cross-border enterprises and multilingual education.

4. Application Scenarios and User Experience

The progression of the ChatGPT series is not only reflected in technological improvements but also in broader and more diverse application scenarios and improved user experience.

Application Scenarios:

  • ChatGPT-3.5:
    • Mainly used in customer service, simple chatbots, text generation
    • Suitable for quick-response and low-complexity tasks
  • ChatGPT-4:
    • Expanded to professional fields like education, medical, finance, law
    • Suitable for complex query answering, detailed analysis, and creative tasks
  • ChatGPT-4o and ChatGPT-4o mini:
    • Further expanded to multimedia analysis, interactive entertainment, virtual assistants
    • Suitable for comprehensive information processing and intelligent services

These application scenario expansions allow the ChatGPT series to play a role in more fields, providing more valuable services and creating new business models.

User Experience:

  • Response speed:
    • ChatGPT-3.5: Fast response time, suitable for real-time interaction
    • ChatGPT-4: Slightly longer response time but with higher quality output
    • ChatGPT-4 Turbo and ChatGPT-4o: Optimized for both speed and quality
  • Interactive experience:
    • ChatGPT-3.5: Good but occasionally superficial
    • ChatGPT-4: More engaging and relevant conversations
    • ChatGPT-4o and ChatGPT-4o mini: Even more natural and coherent interactions

These improvements in user experience enable users to better interact with AI models, enhancing satisfaction and engagement.

Cost and Resource Optimization:

  • ChatGPT-3.5: Low cost, suitable for resource-limited environments
  • ChatGPT-4: Higher cost, suitable for professional and high-demand applications
  • ChatGPT-4 Turbo and ChatGPT-4o: Balanced cost and performance, suitable for wide-ranging applications
  • ChatGPT-4o mini: Cost-effective, suitable for large-scale deployment in everyday applications

These cost and resource optimizations allow the ChatGPT series to better meet the needs of different users and application scenarios, providing more flexible and efficient solutions.

Future Prospects

The continuous evolution of the ChatGPT series reflects the rapid progress of AI technology. Future AI models are expected to achieve breakthroughs in the following areas:

Model Efficiency:

  • Further optimization of computation and storage efficiency
  • Enhanced energy efficiency
  • More efficient and scalable architectures

Knowledge Update and Integration:

  • More frequent and seamless knowledge updates
  • Better integration with real-time data and dynamic information sources

Human-AI Interaction:

  • More natural and intuitive interaction methods
  • Enhanced emotional intelligence and empathy

These advancements will enable future AI models to better serve user needs, providing more intelligent and comprehensive services.


The evolution from ChatGPT-3.5 to ChatGPT-4, and to the latest ChatGPT-4o and ChatGPT-4o mini, marks a significant leap in AI technology. Each generation of models represents substantial improvements in architecture, capabilities, and application scenarios, offering more powerful, efficient, and versatile AI solutions. As ChatGPT-4o mini replaces ChatGPT-3.5, bringing revolutionary changes to AI applications, we stand at the forefront of a new era of AI technology, witnessing the profound impact of these advancements on various industries and aspects of everyday life.

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An all-in-one chatbot integrating Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, LINE, and web platforms, supporting ChatGPT and Gemini models. Features include history retention, push notifications, marketing campaigns, and customer service transfer.